You're about to be part of the largest guild of game creators, sellers and players in the world! Let's find out a little bit about you, and we'll get your account all set up. We'll make this as quick and easy as we can, promise!
What brings you to the Indie Game Alliance? Select all that apply.
I am a game designer seeking assistance with development, playtesting and publication of my games
I am a game publisher seeking assistance with manufacturing, marketing, and sales of my games
I am an avid gamer interested in volunteering to teach games at stores, conventions, and other public places
I am an artist, graphic designer, editor, reviewer, or other creative professional that provides services to game creators
I own or operate a game retail store and would like to demo and sell indie games
I own or operate a convention and would like an IGA presence
I own or operate a business that serves game publishers, and would like to offer IGA members a discount or special promotion
I represent a hobby or game distributor that would like to purchase consolidated game products from IGA
Oh, and hey, tell Marge we said thanks for sending you our way.