Dice Hate Me Studio
St. Louis, MO USA

Dice Hate Me Games was founded in 2011 by Chris Kirkman and is committed to bringing entertaining, innovative, and challenging games to the table and beyond.
Greater Than Games and Dice Hate Me Games merged in 2015, with the combined company using three brands — Sentinel Comics Games, Fabled Nexus Games, and Dice Hate Me Games — to identify the games that it released. That approach changed in 2018 with the first two brands being merged again into a single Greater Than Games brand and the latter brand being renamed Dice Hate Me Studio.
In May 2022, Dice Hate Me Games and Greater Than Games separated and the Dice Hate Me Studio name was shelved. Now, Dice Hate Me Games is once again operating independently to bring fun to the table.
— Dice Hate Me Games fan