IGA Minion Perks

We love our Minions! In addition to scoring Loot Points for all of your demo work, we've also negotiated some extra perks from some of our favorite vendors to show our appreciation to our team. Check out the offerings below, and don't hesitate to suggest new deals if you think of something you could use!

Tickets at Work

Tickets at Work offers exclusive discounts, special offers and access to preferred seating and tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, movie tickets, hotels and much more.

Average Ratings
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0
Offers and Specials:
IGA members, Minions, freelancers, retailers and distributors and their employees may access TicketsAtWork.com to save up to 50% on hotels and rental cars, theme park tickets, show and concert tickets, sporting event tickets, AAA membership, and quite a bit more. Create an account and browse ticketsatwork.com to see what's available!
Tabletop Playground

Tabletop Playground is the new modern digital tabletop simulator, designed for players and board game creators. Share your games with the world and have more control over how they are accessed!

Average Ratings
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0
Offers and Specials:
We'll be offering Steam keys for Tabletop Playground (TP) to IGA members and their teams who are interested in bringing their games to the new tabletop game simulator. We can offer help with getting you started with recreating your game on TP, promoting your games to our community once their added to TP and much more.

We're excited to work closely with indie board game creators and build a platform which works with you and to help bring your games to a wider audience!
Meeple Realty

Organizer inserts for board games

Average Ratings
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0
Offers and Specials:
Minions receive 10% off any Meeple Realty inserts.