What Our Members Say About IGA...

The Indie Game Alliance has been nothing but helpful in every avenue possible. They have worked with us in networking and putting us in touch with the right people at the right time, and have done it with a smile. We Make Games is proud to partner with an organization so passionate about getting the word out about Indie gaming!
Jonny Rivera, We Make Games

Useful, thorough, timely playtesting feedback. Worth every penny, even though it meant more work for me. =)
Teresa Jackson, Teresa & Andrew Jackson

So excited about IGA and their new playtesting service. For me, the feedback will be useful but getting "early adopters" excited is also really important. Congrats Matt and Victoria!
Joey Vigour, Vigour Games

Indie Game Alliance is an invaluable piece of Thunderworks Games’ marketing efforts. They do a great job getting our titles like Roll Player and Cartographers in front of more gamers through their demo program.
Keith Matejka, Thunderworks Games

Thank you for your support on (VENOM Assault)! You guys do amazing work for small game publishers and deserve a round of applause!
Michael Knight, Spyglass Games

Best d**n group to be in for a designer. All the help, connections, deals, and community makes it worth being a part of hands down.
Jackson Herald, Card Culture

Thank you for starting the IGA! It is a brilliant concept, and masterfully designed to provide everything we've been lacking since our company's launch.
Kristi Uhles, Bibelot Games

I must say, being a pro member of IGA has paid for itself multiple times over between the networking and discounts. Everyone here has been a great resource of information for manufacturers, fulfillment, and reviews. We are using Games Quest for our global shipping and were ecstatic when Matt announced the partnership!
Matt Wehner, 808 Games

The Indie Game Alliance was one of the biggest factors, I think, in our project succeeding on Kickstarter. Their team did everything they could do - which was even more than I thought they'd be able to do - to help get the word out there about Gothic Doctor and to get it in front of playtesters. I recommend IGA to every other designer I know; they're phenomenal.
Doug Levandowski, Red Shoe Games

They are great people and I'm happy for Chaos Publishing to be a member of the Alliance. As publisher, it's nice to receive support from other studios and their minion program is fantastic for getting our games out there and demoed at various events/stores around the world. As a minion, they provide a fantastic opportunity for you to get your hands on the latest games that each of the IGA studios have to offer. I'm looking forward to see what the future brings.
Miles Ratcliffe, Chaos Publishing

Big emphatic YES to booking IGA convention services! Rented booth space for 4 days at Gen Con 50 (2017) with Matt Holden at the IGA booth and it was a terrific experience. Matt, Victoria and their staff of Minions are the best! All in all, it put me on the main floor and it was a great experience getting to be there with all my publisher friends.
Rick Medina, Royal Heart Games

Shoot Again Games is thankful for all the support and help we receive as a member of the Indie Game Alliance. Because of IGA, we have been able to have our games shown at conventions all over the country that we otherwise could not have. They have been a great supporter and booster of our games.
Diane Sauer, Shoot Again Games

I am going to take this opportunity to tell you how impressed I am with the deals and services you are getting to members. I am so excited to get in touch in regards to my next game when it's ready. Way to go and thanks for the work of everyone at team IGA.
Artem Safarov, Altema Games

Thank you again for the amazing quality of the feedback. It’s been through a lot of playing so far, but very few people are capable of giving as articulate feedback as this. Hugely important as we continue to iterate and ramp up this summer.
Kevin Ballestrini, The Pericles Group, LLC

The Indie Game Alliance is an invaluable resource to first time game publishers. Being part of the Alliance has helped us in so many ways. Thanks to the IGA's minion program we have been been able to give Loot & Recruit a presence at major gaming conventions like Essen and BGG Con. The exposure we've generated from those conventions has allowed us to interact with gamers around the world. On top of that, we've also received critical feedback on our game's design and Kickstarter campaign. The IGA has been so helpful that the closer we get to launching our first Kickstarter the more we can't imagine going on this journey without them!
Justin Lynch, Swarm of Dice LLC

Joining the IGA is like joining a family. They have your best interests at heart.
Stephen S. Gibson, Isaac Black's Studio

Our Kickstarter funded late last night and I wanted to specifically thank IGA and especially Matt Holden for all the great advice he gave. Most of which we took.
Zeke Brill, Argle Bargle

Such an enjoyable experience working with IGA. Every feedback point is spot on and forces rethinking/potential adjustment of mechanics and/or rules until everything feels just right. Am very happy to be part of IGA - will recommend to my peers.
Jakob Alexander Brahm, Rocket Science Board Games

Since I joined with IGA, I've seen them grow from 20 studios to over 180. I've been able to connect with local and distant game designers on the web and help them see their designs to print. Matt Holden and the IGA have inspired a sense of community that, in my opinion, is unrivaled in our current board game industry.
Forrest Evans, Indie Game Alliance Minion

Indie Game Alliance helps game designers with resources, connections, and mentorship. It's an excellent group that I highly recommend to any game designer.
Wylliam Judd, Thunderstorm Games

Island Dice recently funded on Kickstarter due to the great support of the Indie Game Alliance. With their many member studios and the outreach of their volunteer network, Island Dice was able to get a much wider range of exposure. From the very beginning of the Kickstarter process though the very end and even continuing now, they are there to help. Some of the many examples include: consultation about every last detail of the Kickstarter campaign, exposure via social media, conventions and word of mouth, and cost analysis for manufacturing. IGA has helped Island Dice and many other projects get their deserved funding. I am proud to be a member of the Alliance and will be continuing with them in future projects.
Jason Gough, Casual Dragon Games

Spellforge Games has not been a member of the IGA for long, but we have already been able to build bridges and meet people that we wouldn't have otherwise. Not only is the IGA a great place to interact with other small, independent designers that are generally in the same position as you, it also hosts a fantastic community of volunteers that do everything they can to promote the brands IGA represents.
Larry Lembcke, Spellforge Games

Well worth the investment. I was able to drop about $5000 off of my Kickstarter goal through the discounts that Matt has negotiated for IGA Pro members. Can't say enough good about my experiences with Matt and the other members of the IGA!
Raymond Northcott, Games By Ray LLC

Matt & IGA provide so much for so little, it's hard to believe everyone in the industry isn't a Pro member yet. We even found and published a game (Gingerdead House) that Matt went out of his way to have me play since he thought it was a good fit.
Frank Alberts, Zafty Games

To me, finding the Indie Game Alliance was just as important as finding Kickstarter. To say that the IGA was instrumental to my successes so far with boardgames is an understatement. From demoing games at cons, to spending time going over rules, the IGA is an absolute must for anyone looking to make a splash with their indie game. I’d couldn’t recommend the service more.
Fedor Sosnin, Disruptive, Inc.

The Indie Game Alliance isn't a distribution service, a crowdfunding promoter, or a convention street team. Sure, all of those services are on offer. But the heart of the IGA is a community of independent design studios who share, help and support one another, coupled with a professional staff that's making every part of designing, publishing, and selling games easier and more robust.
Isaac Shalev, Kind Fortress

If you're designing or developing a game, the IGA is the ONLY organization you need to contact. If you're a publisher looking for your next big hit, the IGA will hook you up. You need discounts on printers, fulfillers, unique component creators, or legal advice? The IGA's got you covered. If your game needs development, Matt Holden (IGA's Executive Director) will get your game table ready. Need reviews? The IGA has a way to get you low cost reviews for your Kickstarter that won't require anyone to throw your costly prototype/print copy all over a table in slow-mo. The IGA has everything you need and everything you didn't even know you needed. Why are you still reading this? Go Pro already!
Danny Lott, The Game Shelf

The IGA is awesome: communicative, and always working to get our games seen by gamers who would never likely see them.
Chris Renshall, TGIK Games