This Week in IGA: May 22, 2024

Now Crowdfunding


RoughDraftGames $7386 of $10000 raised (73%) 11 days left

The Hardy Boys RPG

Sixpence Games $801 of $1000 raised (80%) 22 days left

The Darkness at the Brink of Ohio

Game And A Curry, LLC $10355 of $8000 raised (129%) 15 days left

One Card Maze Season 2

Simon Filice $19624 of $8778 raised (223%) 9 days left

Hex Effects: A Spellbinding Card Game

Pillbox Games $29367 of $12000 raised (244%) 22 days left

Ultimate Periodic Table Dice

Chris Rossetti $5121 of $2000 raised (256%) 22 days left

Gnomadic Gardeners - coop / competitive / solo card game

Chris Scaffidi / Fervent Workshop $1823 of $652 raised (279%) 9 days left

Children of Morta: The Board Game

Roomiz Games $107558 of $36578 raised (294%) 8 days left

Dutch Resistance: Orange Shall Overcome! and expansion

Marcel Köhler $78759 of $10827 raised (727%) 15 days left

Dark Cities | Deluxe Editions

Travis Hancock $365297 of $25000 raised (1461%) 1 days left

2024 Crokinole Board Season 8: Mahagony or Beech + Cases

Seth Hiatt $536198 of $5000 raised (10723%) 14 days left

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Upcoming Conventions

Gen Con
Indianapolis, IN USA
Aug 1 - Aug 4, 2024

Tucson, AZ USA
Nov 15 - Nov 17, 2024

PAX Unplugged
Philadelphia, PA USA
Dec 6 - Dec 8, 2024

Active Playtests

Kitchen Chaos
Blob World Games
Game Tribe

New & Restocked in the Store

Photo of the Month

Warpgate: Beyond
Game: Warpgate: Beyond
Publisher: Wolffdesigna
Photo by Josh F. (#3723)

IGA by the Numbers

Member Studios:


Volunteer Minions:


Supported Games:


Funded Kickstarters: