This Week in IGA: July 3, 2024

Now Crowdfunding

Scattered Nexus: 2024 Edition

Eli $722 of $5000 raised (14%) 28 days left

Pass-a-Fist 2.0

CardLords $724 of $1200 raised (60%) 9 days left

Fantastic Fairies and Enchanted Animals

Chris Scaffidi / Fervent Workshop $602 of $368 raised (163%) 28 days left

Emerald Skulls

Keith Matejka $42504 of $25000 raised (170%) 21 days left

Casual Game Insider - Board Game Magazine (13th Year)

Chris James - Stratus Games $17434 of $10000 raised (174%) 16 days left

Yield - Battle for Oshra and Artbook

BFF Games $44694 of $21731 raised (205%) 16 days left

Sovereign: Fall of Wormwood

Damon Stea $93989 of $30000 raised (313%) 8 days left

Mystery Dice, the Kickstarter - The Trilogy

John Wrot! $100598 of $25000 raised (402%) 22 days left

Paw of Duty

Derrick Hwang $11890 of $1500 raised (792%) 1 days left

Ada's Dream

Caezar and Kuly from Alley Cat Games $205988 of $16034 raised (1284%) LAST DAY!

Want your campaign to appear on this list?

It's fast and easy. We can help with social media promotions, manufacturing and fulfillment discounts, consulting and more, as well. Get started now!

Did You Know?

Thinking about joining our volunteer Minion team but not sure what to teach? Now you can search your BoardGameGeek collection for IGA-supported games you already own!

Upcoming Conventions

Gen Con
Indianapolis, IN USA
Aug 1 - Aug 4, 2024

Tucson, AZ USA
Nov 15 - Nov 17, 2024

PAX Unplugged
Philadelphia, PA USA
Dec 6 - Dec 8, 2024

New & Restocked in the Store

Photo of the Month

Warpgate: Beyond
Game: Warpgate: Beyond
Publisher: Wolffdesigna
Photo by Josh F. (#3723)

IGA by the Numbers

Member Studios:


Volunteer Minions:


Supported Games:


Funded Kickstarters: