IGA’s Store is Live!
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For Immediate Release
April 24, 2017

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- Matt Holden
- Executive Director
- mholden@indiegamealliance.com
- (407) 706-3635
After literally years of design and development, IGA’s game store is finally live!
We’ll be using this store to supply our Minions with games and swag for their demos, as well as to launch a new micro-distribution service to help get member games into friendly local game stores around the world. The new software also delivers an incredible amount of transparency to our process; members can now see what we have and where it’s going in pretty much real-time.
We notified the Minions of the store’s launch on April 8, and we’ve already processed more than 25 orders. Minions, if you haven’t gotten out to run some demos in a while, now would be a fantastic time to do so!
Members, we’re sure you have questions. No worries! We’ve put together an interactive guide to help you get a handle on everything having to do with our new store software, stock policies, and the tools available at your disposal. We strongly recommend that all member publishers check this out, especially if we already have stock on hand from you.
Please direct any questions or concerns to our warehouse team at warehouse@indiegamealliance.com. Thank you so much to Victoria, Sherri, Jason, and all the other Minions who helped out with testing and development.
Founded in April 2014, the Indie Game Alliance is a guild of independent tabletop game developers. Alliance volunteers, or Minions, give demos, run tournaments, playtest new games, and represent IGA members at conventions. With hundreds of member publishers on six continents, including household names like Portal Games, Asmadi Games, Tasty Minstrel Games, Mayday Games, and Brotherwise Games, the Alliance brings the very best of the board gaming hobby to the public.